不忘初心 戮力前行 | 为支持全球抗疫奉献普博智慧贡献普博力量
2020年,全球疫情肆虐,在这艰难又特殊的时期,深圳市普博科技有限公司肩负抗疫重任,戮力前行。近日,疫情防控形势转好,深圳市普博科技有限公司陆续收到国务院及海外使馆发来的感谢信。in 2020, coronavirus outbreaks and spreads globally. during such a difficult and special period, shenzhen prunus medical co., ltd. takes up the heavy responsibility of anti-coronavirus and moves forward sparing no effort. recently, with well improved situation of coronavirus prevention and control, shenzhen prunus medical co.,ltd. has successively received letters of thanks from the state council and foreign embassies.