不忘初心 戮力前行 | 为支持全球抗疫奉献普博智慧贡献普博力量 -金沙js9线路中心

不忘初心 戮力前行 | 为支持全球抗疫奉献普博智慧贡献普博力量



in 2020, coronavirus outbreaks and spreads globally. during such a difficult and special period, shenzhen prunus medical co., ltd. takes up the heavy responsibility of anti-coronavirus and moves forward sparing no effort. recently, with well improved situation of coronavirus prevention and control, shenzhen prunus medical co.,ltd. has successively received letters of thanks from the state council and foreign embassies.


the state council's letter mentions that shenzhen prunus medical co., ltd. always puts people's lives and health in the first place, and always responds to the country's call the first time. there were numerous difficulties including shortage of labor during the spring festival, suspended logistics and transportation, and the shortage of components supply. however, by overcoming all odds with hard effort, prunus has actively fulfilled its social responsibilities. in addition, its production capacity and efficiency have greatly increased with production speeding up and expanding. therefore, shenzhen prunus medical co., ltd. has made active contributions to winning the war of coronavirus prevention and control. 


the consulate general of the republic of serbia mentioned in the letter of thanks: “we are very glad to know that your company is producing ventilators for the orders from serbia. during this special period which whole world is fighting against corona virus, these ventilators will help our serbian medical team a lot. we sincerely thanks for your support.”


in addition, consulate general of ireland to shanghai and ida ireland also writes  letter of thank to express their gratitude for support of shenzhen prunus medical co., ltd.  to ireland's fighting against covid-19.



